What will you catch?
-> From the shore to the ocean, we have all kind of fishing areas where sport (and tasteful) fish are abundant !
Barracudas, kingfishs, Trevally, Wahoos, Tunas, Mahi-mahis and Marlins are in our waters all year long.
-> For whom love jigging, Groupers, Amberjacks and others nice strong fish are also very present.
The Full Day Trip is the best way to find big ocean fish as we can go further out.Tunas, Sailfishs and Marlins are accessible in The Grenadines waters !
Since couples years now, we have installed some FADs (Fish Attraction Dispositive) in matter to locate the pelagic fish in the ocean .
FADs are located between 1 hours and a half and 3 hours of navigation from Union Island.
We exclusively fish with lines to protect the ocean marine’s life, as we can release the small species !
We will Trawl, Jig, and even cast out surface lures for big Yellowfins tunas
Departure : 8 am
Return: 5 pm.
Maximum 4 people.
Drinks will be provided on board (sodas, water, beers)
Lunchbox provided
Fishing equipment included
Trawling along the reefs around Union Island – Southern Grenadines, we will look for Barracudas, Kingfishs, Trevallies and other nice tropical fishes !
We can also try jigging along the ledge of Union Island on the leeward site of the island, looking for Groupers, Snappers, Amberjacks in between 40 meters and 140 meters depth.
Departure at 8 am return at 12 am
Departure at 1pm return at 5pm
Maximum 4 people.
Drinks will be provided on board (sodas, water, beers)
Fishing equipment included
Whom like to travel with their own gear, contact us for advices